What's happening
A long-running plan to sell-off public housing at Waterloo is set to continue under the Labor government, despite promises made to residents that the new government would protect their homes.
The current proposal is to demolish the 749 publicly owned homes in Waterloo South, replacing them with only 847 social homes and 2160 private homes. This means that there will be a mix of 71.8% private homes and only 28.2% social (rather than public) housing.
The timeline for this is unclear with residents only being told they will be given six months notice to move.
This is public land and any development should prioritise building more public housing. There are more than 1000 households on the public housing waitlist in the inner city of Sydney – by the time this development is complete there will be many more.

What are we doing about it
Tenants are organising!
Action For Public Housing is working with tenants and the broader community to:
- Stop this redevelopment which will mean a massive loss of public housing, to be replaced with private and charity-run housing, in the midst of a housing crisis and with the public housing waiting list only growing.
- Prioritise the repair and retrofit of existing buildings while exploring opportunities for infill.
- If redevelopment does proceed, massively increase the provision of social housing, Aboriginal-owned and operated housing, and public housing.
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