Millers Point, Dawes Point and the Rocks were home to the oldest public housing in Australia, built for harbourside workers during the 1910s. It was also home to the 1981 Sirius building — a project won by the Rocks Resident Action Group, led by Nita McCrae, and the Builders Labourers’ Federation who, through a Green Ban on the development in the Rocks, forced the NSW Government to build public housing for residents who would be displaced. The vast majority of these homes were sold off en masse by the Coalition government between 2015 and 2018 — 543 properties in total, for $792m. The community was broken apart as residents were forced to relocate to other parts of Sydney. This caused immense harm, documented by sociologist Alan Morris in his book Gentrification and Displacement: The Forced Relocation of Public Housing Tenants in Inner-Sydney. The Sirius building is being renovated into luxury apartments that will sell for upwards of $1.7m, while Millers Point’s historic homes routinely sell for more than $2m.